A First Draft in a Month?
That is the claim. I spent the weekend at a mini-writer’s conference, and that was the focus of it. To write a first draft in one month. Actually what you are writing is a 100 page outline in that month. It’s an indepth outline designed to make everyone believe that the only real writers are plotters. Ugh. While I learned a lot, the process is suppose to take a couple of months or so and only 2 drafts. The outline and then the final one. Well, not really, there is a lot of editing as you go, stuff going on. I actually found the method too stringent. I don’t believe that the only successful writer’s are plotters. There are a lot of pantsers and good portion of hybrids—those who are both plotters and pantsers.
Okay, so the challenge to myself is to take April, not March, because 1 – it’s already started, 2 – I have to move soon, and 3 – I’m still on vacation, and write the first draft in one month. And then to take either May or June (probably June) because there is vacation and graduation in May and revise the heck out of it and submit it to a publisher by the end of June. And this is a new work, not one I’ve been working on, though it can be the sequel to it.
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